Translation components API.
See the Weblate's Web API documentation for detailed description of the API.
GET /api/translations/otrs/configuration-management/cs/units/?format=api&page=9
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Konfigurační položky s příslušnou hodnotou jsou viditelné pouze pro agenty, kteří se nacházejí v propojené skupině. Konfigurační položky, které neobsahují příslušnou hodnotu, jsou stále viditelné pro všechny agenty." ], "id_hash": 5233362082093178045, "content_hash": 5233362082093178045, "location": "", "context": "", "note": "SysConfig", "flags": "", "labels": [ { "id": 2, "name": "Automatically translated", "color": "yellow" } ], "state": 20, "fuzzy": false, "translated": true, "approved": false, "position": 304, "has_suggestion": false, "has_comment": false, "has_failing_check": false, "num_words": 76, "source_unit": "http://translate.otrs.com/api/units/2047059/?format=api", "priority": 100, "id": 2053006, "web_url": "http://translate.otrs.com/translate/otrs/configuration-management/cs/?checksum=c8a0a3160c299cbd", "url": "http://translate.otrs.com/api/units/2053006/?format=api", "explanation": "", "extra_flags": "", "pending": false, "timestamp": "2023-04-04T11:44:57.756000Z", "last_updated": "2023-07-11T09:05:38.956152Z" }, { "translation": "http://translate.otrs.com/api/translations/otrs/configuration-management/cs/?format=api", "source": [ "CI Incident" ], "previous_source": "", "target": [ "Incident CI" ], "id_hash": 4180328452412260324, "content_hash": 4180328452412260324, "location": "", "context": "", "note": "SysConfig", "flags": "", "labels": [ { "id": 2, "name": "Automatically translated", "color": "yellow" } ], "state": 20, "fuzzy": false, "translated": true, "approved": false, "position": 305, "has_suggestion": false, "has_comment": false, "has_failing_check": false, "num_words": 2, "source_unit": "http://translate.otrs.com/api/units/2049468/?format=api", "priority": 100, "id": 2053007, "web_url": "http://translate.otrs.com/translate/otrs/configuration-management/cs/?checksum=ba038294427dbfe4", "url": "http://translate.otrs.com/api/units/2053007/?format=api", "explanation": "", "extra_flags": "", "pending": false, "timestamp": "2023-04-04T11:44:57.757607Z", "last_updated": "2023-07-11T09:05:38.956152Z" }, { "translation": "http://translate.otrs.com/api/translations/otrs/configuration-management/cs/?format=api", "source": [ "CI Warning" ], "previous_source": "", "target": [ "Upozornění CI" ], "id_hash": -3410455994732606670, "content_hash": -3410455994732606670, "location": "", "context": "", "note": "SysConfig", "flags": "", "labels": [ { "id": 2, "name": "Automatically translated", "color": "yellow" } ], "state": 20, "fuzzy": false, "translated": true, "approved": false, "position": 306, "has_suggestion": false, "has_comment": false, "has_failing_check": false, "num_words": 2, "source_unit": "http://translate.otrs.com/api/units/2049469/?format=api", "priority": 100, "id": 2053008, "web_url": "http://translate.otrs.com/translate/otrs/configuration-management/cs/?checksum=50aba05797dc8b32", "url": "http://translate.otrs.com/api/units/2053008/?format=api", "explanation": "", "extra_flags": "", "pending": false, "timestamp": "2023-04-04T11:44:57.758939Z", "last_updated": "2023-07-11T09:05:38.956152Z" }, { "translation": "http://translate.otrs.com/api/translations/otrs/configuration-management/cs/?format=api", "source": [ "CI Warning, Incident" ], "previous_source": "", "target": [ "Varování CI, incident" ], "id_hash": -8333476441374475891, "content_hash": -8333476441374475891, "location": "", "context": "", "note": "SysConfig", "flags": "", "labels": [ { "id": 2, "name": "Automatically translated", "color": "yellow" } ], "state": 20, "fuzzy": false, "translated": true, "approved": false, "position": 307, "has_suggestion": false, "has_comment": false, "has_failing_check": false, "num_words": 3, "source_unit": "http://translate.otrs.com/api/units/2049470/?format=api", "priority": 100, "id": 2053009, "web_url": "http://translate.otrs.com/translate/otrs/configuration-management/cs/?checksum=0c598b5447c9b98d", "url": "http://translate.otrs.com/api/units/2053009/?format=api", "explanation": "", "extra_flags": "", "pending": false, "timestamp": "2023-04-04T11:44:57.760235Z", "last_updated": "2023-07-11T09:05:38.956152Z" }, { "translation": "http://translate.otrs.com/api/translations/otrs/configuration-management/cs/?format=api", "source": [ "Defines groups which have always full access to the configuration items." ], "previous_source": "", "target": [ "Definuje skupiny, které mají vždy plný přístup k položkám konfigurace." ], "id_hash": 7393801311966805310, "content_hash": 7393801311966805310, "location": "", "context": "", "note": "SysConfig", "flags": "", "labels": [ { "id": 2, "name": "Automatically translated", "color": "yellow" } ], "state": 20, "fuzzy": false, "translated": true, "approved": false, "position": 346, "has_suggestion": false, "has_comment": false, "has_failing_check": false, "num_words": 11, "source_unit": "http://translate.otrs.com/api/units/2047060/?format=api", "priority": 100, "id": 2053010, "web_url": "http://translate.otrs.com/translate/otrs/configuration-management/cs/?checksum=e69c0f1e83993d3e", "url": "http://translate.otrs.com/api/units/2053010/?format=api", "explanation": "", "extra_flags": "", "pending": false, "timestamp": "2023-04-04T11:44:57.793599Z", "last_updated": "2023-07-11T09:05:38.956152Z" }, { "translation": "http://translate.otrs.com/api/translations/otrs/configuration-management/cs/?format=api", "source": [ "Event module to delete the configuration item value check permission cache." ], "previous_source": "", "target": [ "Modul událostí pro odstranění mezipaměti pro kontrolu hodnot konfiguračních položek." ], "id_hash": -3954649329620068384, "content_hash": -3954649329620068384, "location": "", "context": "", "note": "SysConfig", "flags": "", "labels": [ { "id": 2, "name": "Automatically translated", "color": "yellow" } ], "state": 20, "fuzzy": false, "translated": true, "approved": false, "position": 369, "has_suggestion": false, "has_comment": false, "has_failing_check": false, "num_words": 11, "source_unit": "http://translate.otrs.com/api/units/2047061/?format=api", "priority": 100, "id": 2053011, "web_url": "http://translate.otrs.com/translate/otrs/configuration-management/cs/?checksum=491e436328c257e0", "url": "http://translate.otrs.com/api/units/2053011/?format=api", "explanation": "", "extra_flags": "", "pending": false, "timestamp": "2023-04-04T11:44:57.814116Z", "last_updated": "2023-07-11T09:05:38.956152Z" }, { "translation": "http://translate.otrs.com/api/translations/otrs/configuration-management/cs/?format=api", "source": [ "Module to check the group responsible for a configuration item attribute value." ], "previous_source": "", "target": [ "Modul pro kontrolu skupiny odpovědné za hodnotu atributu položky konfigurace." ], "id_hash": 5267036794124855417, "content_hash": 5267036794124855417, "location": "", "context": "", "note": "SysConfig", "flags": "", "labels": [ { "id": 2, "name": "Automatically translated", "color": "yellow" } ], "state": 20, "fuzzy": false, "translated": true, "approved": false, "position": 382, "has_suggestion": false, "has_comment": false, "has_failing_check": false, "num_words": 12, "source_unit": "http://translate.otrs.com/api/units/2047062/?format=api", "priority": 100, "id": 2053012, "web_url": "http://translate.otrs.com/translate/otrs/configuration-management/cs/?checksum=c918460eecb96879", "url": "http://translate.otrs.com/api/units/2053012/?format=api", "explanation": "", "extra_flags": "", "pending": false, "timestamp": "2023-04-04T11:44:57.826360Z", "last_updated": "2023-07-11T09:05:38.956152Z" }, { "translation": "http://translate.otrs.com/api/translations/otrs/configuration-management/cs/?format=api", "source": [ "Sets the name of the configuration item field where the value is stored to set the configuration item permission. The field must exist in the class definition in order for this setting to take effect." ], "previous_source": "", "target": [ "Nastavuje název pole konfigurační položky, ve kterém je uložena hodnota pro nastavení oprávnění konfigurační položky. Aby se toto nastavení projevilo, musí pole existovat v definici třídy." ], "id_hash": 5527609221983462095, "content_hash": 5527609221983462095, "location": "", "context": "", "note": "SysConfig", "flags": "", "labels": [ { "id": 2, "name": "Automatically translated", "color": "yellow" } ], "state": 20, "fuzzy": false, "translated": true, "approved": false, "position": 402, "has_suggestion": false, "has_comment": false, "has_failing_check": false, "num_words": 35, "source_unit": "http://translate.otrs.com/api/units/2047063/?format=api", "priority": 100, "id": 2053013, "web_url": "http://translate.otrs.com/translate/otrs/configuration-management/cs/?checksum=ccb6034d057f62cf", "url": "http://translate.otrs.com/api/units/2053013/?format=api", "explanation": "", "extra_flags": "", "pending": false, "timestamp": "2023-04-04T11:44:57.843697Z", "last_updated": "2023-07-11T09:05:38.956152Z" }, { "translation": "http://translate.otrs.com/api/translations/otrs/configuration-management/cs/?format=api", "source": [ "Sets the permission for a configuration item based on the value of the lookup field. This setting overrides the group permission. The key is the permission type “ro” or “rw” and the value is the appropriate values stored in the field which are defined in the “LookupField” setting. Multiple values can be added separated with commas. For example to set read-only permission to a configuration item which has a customer ID field and the field contains “otrs” as value, add “ro” as key with value “otrs” here." ], "previous_source": "", "target": [ "Nastaví oprávnění pro položku konfigurace na základě hodnoty vyhledávacího pole. Toto nastavení má přednost před oprávněním skupiny. Klíčem je typ oprávnění \"ro\" nebo \"rw\" a hodnotou jsou příslušné hodnoty uložené v poli, které jsou definovány v nastavení \"LookupField\". Lze přidat více hodnot oddělených čárkami. Chcete-li například nastavit oprávnění pouze pro čtení pro konfigurační položku, která má pole ID zákazníka a pole obsahuje jako hodnotu \"otrs\", přidejte zde jako klíč \"ro\" s hodnotou \"otrs\"." ], "id_hash": 5045250744817284645, "content_hash": 5045250744817284645, "location": "", "context": "", "note": "SysConfig", "flags": "", "labels": [ { "id": 2, "name": "Automatically translated", "color": "yellow" } ], "state": 20, "fuzzy": false, "translated": true, "approved": false, "position": 403, "has_suggestion": false, "has_comment": false, "has_failing_check": false, "num_words": 87, "source_unit": "http://translate.otrs.com/api/units/2047064/?format=api", "priority": 100, "id": 2053014, "web_url": "http://translate.otrs.com/translate/otrs/configuration-management/cs/?checksum=c60454d24f9bf625", "url": "http://translate.otrs.com/api/units/2053014/?format=api", "explanation": "", "extra_flags": "", "pending": false, "timestamp": "2023-04-04T11:44:57.845244Z", "last_updated": "2023-07-11T09:05:38.956152Z" }, { "translation": "http://translate.otrs.com/api/translations/otrs/configuration-management/cs/?format=api", "source": [ "General Information" ], "previous_source": "", "target": [ "Obecné informace" ], "id_hash": 6594434315062788528, "content_hash": 6594434315062788528, "location": "", "context": "", "note": "Perl Module: Kernel/WebApp/Util/ConfigItem.pm", "flags": "", "labels": [ { "id": 2, "name": "Automatically translated", "color": "yellow" } ], "state": 20, "fuzzy": false, "translated": true, "approved": false, "position": 204, "has_suggestion": false, "has_comment": false, "has_failing_check": false, "num_words": 2, "source_unit": "http://translate.otrs.com/api/units/2069551/?format=api", "priority": 100, "id": 2069591, "web_url": "http://translate.otrs.com/translate/otrs/configuration-management/cs/?checksum=db8423121bf6c1b0", "url": "http://translate.otrs.com/api/units/2069591/?format=api", "explanation": "", "extra_flags": "", "pending": false, "timestamp": "2023-05-02T12:00:54.414134Z", "last_updated": "2023-07-11T09:05:38.956152Z" }, { "translation": "http://translate.otrs.com/api/translations/otrs/configuration-management/cs/?format=api", "source": [ "Registration of the Delete Configuration Item action. “Group” and “GroupRo” arrays can be used to restrict access to this menu item to members of specific groups with “rw” and “ro” permissions, respectively. “Name” and “Description” can be used to change the text of the menu item which is visible to the user. “Component” contains an internal name. “ClusterName” defines a heading for a group of actions. The action is assigned to this group. “ClusterPriority” defines the order of the menu entry for this action within the group. “Permission” is the required permission to use this action in the agent interface." ], "previous_source": "", "target": [ "Registrace akce Odstranit položku konfigurace. Pole \"Group\" a \"GroupRo\" lze použít k omezení přístupu k této položce nabídky na členy konkrétních skupin s oprávněním \"rw\", resp. \"ro\". Pole \"Name\" a \"Description\" lze použít ke změně textu položky nabídky, který je viditelný pro uživatele. \"Komponenta\" obsahuje interní název. \"ClusterName\" definuje nadpis pro skupinu akcí. Akce je přiřazena k této skupině. \"ClusterPriority\" definuje pořadí položky nabídky pro tuto akci v rámci skupiny. \"Permission\" je požadované oprávnění k použití této akce v rozhraní agenta." ], "id_hash": -8446551021807223258, "content_hash": -8446551021807223258, "location": "", "context": "", "note": "SysConfig", "flags": "", "labels": [ { "id": 2, "name": "Automatically translated", "color": "yellow" } ], "state": 20, "fuzzy": false, "translated": true, "approved": false, "position": 391, "has_suggestion": false, "has_comment": false, "has_failing_check": false, "num_words": 100, "source_unit": "http://translate.otrs.com/api/units/2069552/?format=api", "priority": 100, "id": 2069592, "web_url": "http://translate.otrs.com/translate/otrs/configuration-management/cs/?checksum=0ac7d298eff7be26", "url": "http://translate.otrs.com/api/units/2069592/?format=api", "explanation": "", "extra_flags": "", "pending": false, "timestamp": "2023-05-02T12:00:54.470159Z", "last_updated": "2023-07-11T09:05:38.956152Z" }, { "translation": "http://translate.otrs.com/api/translations/otrs/configuration-management/cs/?format=api", "source": [ "Registration of the Duplicate Configuration Item action. “Group” and “GroupRo” arrays can be used to restrict access to this menu item to members of specific groups with “rw” and “ro” permissions, respectively. “Name” and “Description” can be used to change the text of the menu item which is visible to the user. “Component” contains an internal name. “ClusterName” defines a heading for a group of actions. The action is assigned to this group. “ClusterPriority” defines the order of the menu entry for this action within the group. “Permission” is the required permission to use this action in the agent interface. “RequiredLock” defines if a configuration item needs to be locked to the user performing this action and if the configuration item is not locked yet, the configuration item gets locked and the current agent will be set automatically as its owner. If set to “1” the lock is required and of set to “0” the lock is not required." ], "previous_source": "", "target": [ "Registrace akce Duplikovat položku konfigurace. Pole \"Group\" a \"GroupRo\" lze použít k omezení přístupu k této položce nabídky na členy konkrétních skupin s oprávněním \"rw\", resp. \"ro\". Pole \"Name\" a \"Description\" lze použít ke změně textu položky nabídky, který je viditelný pro uživatele. \"Komponenta\" obsahuje interní název. \"ClusterName\" definuje nadpis pro skupinu akcí. Akce je přiřazena k této skupině. \"ClusterPriority\" definuje pořadí položky nabídky pro tuto akci v rámci skupiny. \"Permission\" je požadované oprávnění k použití této akce v rozhraní agenta. \"RequiredLock\" definuje, zda musí být konfigurační položka uzamčena uživateli provádějícímu tuto akci, a pokud konfigurační položka ještě není uzamčena, konfigurační položka se uzamkne a aktuální agent bude automaticky nastaven jako její vlastník. Je-li nastavena hodnota \"1\", je uzamčení vyžadováno a je-li nastavena hodnota \"0\", uzamčení není vyžadováno." ], "id_hash": 8532058330358762892, "content_hash": 8532058330358762892, "location": "", "context": "", "note": "SysConfig", "flags": "", "labels": [ { "id": 2, "name": "Automatically translated", "color": "yellow" } ], "state": 20, "fuzzy": false, "translated": true, "approved": false, "position": 392, "has_suggestion": false, "has_comment": false, "has_failing_check": false, "num_words": 159, "source_unit": "http://translate.otrs.com/api/units/2069553/?format=api", "priority": 100, "id": 2069593, "web_url": "http://translate.otrs.com/translate/otrs/configuration-management/cs/?checksum=f667f5d8bff24d8c", "url": "http://translate.otrs.com/api/units/2069593/?format=api", "explanation": "", "extra_flags": "", "pending": false, "timestamp": "2023-05-02T12:00:54.470853Z", "last_updated": "2023-07-11T09:05:38.956152Z" }, { "translation": "http://translate.otrs.com/api/translations/otrs/configuration-management/cs/?format=api", "source": [ "Registration of the Edit Configuration Item action. “Group” and “GroupRo” arrays can be used to restrict access to this menu item to members of specific groups with “rw” and “ro” permissions, respectively. “Name” and “Description” can be used to change the text of the menu item which is visible to the user. “Component” contains an internal name. “ClusterName” defines a heading for a group of actions. The action is assigned to this group. “ClusterPriority” defines the order of the menu entry for this action within the group. “Permission” is the required permission to use this action in the agent interface. “RequiredLock” defines if a configuration item needs to be locked to the user performing this action and if the configuration item is not locked yet, the configuration item gets locked and the current agent will be set automatically as its owner. If set to “1” the lock is required and of set to “0” the lock is not required." ], "previous_source": "", "target": [ "Registrace akce Upravit položku konfigurace. Pole \"Group\" a \"GroupRo\" lze použít k omezení přístupu k této položce nabídky na členy konkrétních skupin s oprávněním \"rw\", resp. \"ro\". Pole \"Name\" a \"Description\" lze použít ke změně textu položky nabídky, který je viditelný pro uživatele. \"Komponenta\" obsahuje interní název. \"ClusterName\" definuje nadpis pro skupinu akcí. Akce je přiřazena k této skupině. \"ClusterPriority\" definuje pořadí položky nabídky pro tuto akci v rámci skupiny. \"Permission\" je požadované oprávnění k použití této akce v rozhraní agenta. \"RequiredLock\" definuje, zda musí být konfigurační položka uzamčena uživateli provádějícímu tuto akci, a pokud konfigurační položka ještě není uzamčena, konfigurační položka se uzamkne a aktuální agent bude automaticky nastaven jako její vlastník. Je-li nastavena hodnota \"1\", je uzamčení vyžadováno a je-li nastavena hodnota \"0\", uzamčení není vyžadováno." ], "id_hash": 5831028412650688797, "content_hash": 5831028412650688797, "location": "", "context": "", "note": "SysConfig", "flags": "", "labels": [ { "id": 2, "name": "Automatically translated", "color": "yellow" } ], "state": 20, "fuzzy": false, "translated": true, "approved": false, "position": 393, "has_suggestion": false, "has_comment": false, "has_failing_check": false, "num_words": 159, "source_unit": "http://translate.otrs.com/api/units/2069554/?format=api", "priority": 100, "id": 2069594, "web_url": "http://translate.otrs.com/translate/otrs/configuration-management/cs/?checksum=d0ebf9727b41111d", "url": "http://translate.otrs.com/api/units/2069594/?format=api", "explanation": "", "extra_flags": "", "pending": false, "timestamp": "2023-05-02T12:00:54.471511Z", "last_updated": "2023-07-11T09:05:38.956152Z" }, { "translation": "http://translate.otrs.com/api/translations/otrs/configuration-management/cs/?format=api", "source": [ "Registration of the Link Objects action. “Group” and “GroupRo” arrays can be used to restrict access to this menu item to members of specific groups with “rw” and “ro” permissions, respectively. “Name” and “Description” can be used to change the text of the menu item which is visible to the user. “Component” contains an internal name. “ClusterName” defines a heading for a group of actions. The action is assigned to this group. “ClusterPriority” defines the order of the menu entry for this action within the group. “Permission” is the required permission to use this action in the agent interface. “RequiredLock” defines if a configuration item needs to be locked to the user performing this action and if the configuration item is not locked yet, the configuration item gets locked and the current agent will be set automatically as its owner. If set to “1” the lock is required and of set to “0” the lock is not required." ], "previous_source": "", "target": [ "Registrace akce Propojit objekty. Pole \"Group\" a \"GroupRo\" lze použít k omezení přístupu k této položce nabídky na členy určitých skupin s oprávněním \"rw\", resp. \"ro\". Pole \"Name\" a \"Description\" lze použít ke změně textu položky nabídky, který je viditelný pro uživatele. \"Komponenta\" obsahuje interní název. \"ClusterName\" definuje nadpis pro skupinu akcí. Akce je přiřazena k této skupině. \"ClusterPriority\" definuje pořadí položky nabídky pro tuto akci v rámci skupiny. \"Permission\" je požadované oprávnění k použití této akce v rozhraní agenta. \"RequiredLock\" definuje, zda musí být konfigurační položka uzamčena uživateli provádějícímu tuto akci, a pokud konfigurační položka ještě není uzamčena, konfigurační položka se uzamkne a aktuální agent bude automaticky nastaven jako její vlastník. Je-li nastavena hodnota \"1\", je uzamčení vyžadováno a je-li nastavena hodnota \"0\", uzamčení není vyžadováno." ], "id_hash": 2641144920705536285, "content_hash": 2641144920705536285, "location": "", "context": "", "note": "SysConfig", "flags": "", "labels": [ { "id": 2, "name": "Automatically translated", "color": "yellow" } ], "state": 20, "fuzzy": false, "translated": true, "approved": false, "position": 394, "has_suggestion": false, "has_comment": false, "has_failing_check": false, "num_words": 158, "source_unit": "http://translate.otrs.com/api/units/2069555/?format=api", "priority": 100, "id": 2069595, "web_url": "http://translate.otrs.com/translate/otrs/configuration-management/cs/?checksum=a4a73b4fdefb111d", "url": "http://translate.otrs.com/api/units/2069595/?format=api", "explanation": "", "extra_flags": "", "pending": false, "timestamp": "2023-05-02T12:00:54.472124Z", "last_updated": "2023-07-11T09:05:38.956152Z" }, { "translation": "http://translate.otrs.com/api/translations/otrs/configuration-management/cs/?format=api", "source": [ "Registration of the Print Configuration Item action. “Group” and “GroupRo” arrays can be used to restrict access to this menu item to members of specific groups with “rw” and “ro” permissions, respectively. “Name” and “Description” can be used to change the text of the menu item which is visible to the user. “Component” contains an internal name. “ClusterName” defines a heading for a group of actions. The action is assigned to this group. “ClusterPriority” defines the order of the menu entry for this action within the group. “Permission” is the required permission to use this action in the agent interface. “RequiredLock” defines if a configuration item needs to be locked to the user performing this action and if the configuration item is not locked yet, the configuration item gets locked and the current agent will be set automatically as its owner. If set to “1” the lock is required and of set to “0” the lock is not required." ], "previous_source": "", "target": [ "Registrace akce položky konfigurace tisku. Pole \"Group\" a \"GroupRo\" lze použít k omezení přístupu k této položce nabídky na členy konkrétních skupin s oprávněním \"rw\", resp. \"ro\". Pole \"Name\" a \"Description\" lze použít ke změně textu položky nabídky, který je viditelný pro uživatele. \"Komponenta\" obsahuje interní název. \"ClusterName\" definuje nadpis pro skupinu akcí. Akce je přiřazena k této skupině. \"ClusterPriority\" definuje pořadí položky nabídky pro tuto akci v rámci skupiny. \"Permission\" je požadované oprávnění k použití této akce v rozhraní agenta. \"RequiredLock\" definuje, zda musí být konfigurační položka uzamčena uživateli provádějícímu tuto akci, a pokud konfigurační položka ještě není uzamčena, konfigurační položka se uzamkne a aktuální agent bude automaticky nastaven jako její vlastník. Je-li nastavena hodnota \"1\", je uzamčení vyžadováno a je-li nastavena hodnota \"0\", uzamčení není vyžadováno." ], "id_hash": 1124935618255497227, "content_hash": 1124935618255497227, "location": "", "context": "", "note": "SysConfig", "flags": "", "labels": [ { "id": 2, "name": "Automatically translated", "color": "yellow" } ], "state": 20, "fuzzy": false, "translated": true, "approved": false, "position": 395, "has_suggestion": false, "has_comment": false, "has_failing_check": false, "num_words": 159, "source_unit": "http://translate.otrs.com/api/units/2069556/?format=api", "priority": 100, "id": 2069596, "web_url": "http://translate.otrs.com/translate/otrs/configuration-management/cs/?checksum=8f9c92fc114da80b", "url": "http://translate.otrs.com/api/units/2069596/?format=api", "explanation": "", "extra_flags": "", "pending": false, "timestamp": "2023-05-02T12:00:54.472773Z", "last_updated": "2023-07-11T09:05:38.956152Z" }, { "translation": "http://translate.otrs.com/api/translations/otrs/configuration-management/cs/?format=api", "source": [ "Registration of the View History action. “Group” and “GroupRo” arrays can be used to restrict access to this menu item to members of specific groups with “rw” and “ro” permissions, respectively. “Name” and “Description” can be used to change the text of the menu item which is visible to the user. “Component” contains an internal name. “ClusterName” defines a heading for a group of actions. The action is assigned to this group. “ClusterPriority” defines the order of the menu entry for this action within the group. “Permission” is the required permission to use this action in the agent interface. “RequiredLock” defines if a configuration item needs to be locked to the user performing this action and if the configuration item is not locked yet, the configuration item gets locked and the current agent will be set automatically as its owner. If set to “1” the lock is required and of set to “0” the lock is not required." ], "previous_source": "", "target": [ "Registrace akce Zobrazit historii. Pole \"Group\" a \"GroupRo\" lze použít k omezení přístupu k této položce nabídky na členy konkrétních skupin s oprávněním \"rw\", resp. \"ro\". Pole \"Name\" a \"Description\" lze použít ke změně textu položky nabídky, který je viditelný pro uživatele. \"Komponenta\" obsahuje interní název. \"ClusterName\" definuje nadpis pro skupinu akcí. Akce je přiřazena k této skupině. \"ClusterPriority\" definuje pořadí položky nabídky pro tuto akci v rámci skupiny. \"Permission\" je požadované oprávnění k použití této akce v rozhraní agenta. \"RequiredLock\" definuje, zda musí být konfigurační položka uzamčena uživateli provádějícímu tuto akci, a pokud konfigurační položka ještě není uzamčena, konfigurační položka se uzamkne a aktuální agent bude automaticky nastaven jako její vlastník. Je-li nastavena hodnota \"1\", je uzamčení vyžadováno a je-li nastavena hodnota \"0\", uzamčení není vyžadováno." ], "id_hash": 3034461964118348694, "content_hash": 3034461964118348694, "location": "", "context": "", "note": "SysConfig", "flags": "", "labels": [ { "id": 2, "name": "Automatically translated", "color": "yellow" } ], "state": 20, "fuzzy": false, "translated": true, "approved": false, "position": 396, "has_suggestion": false, "has_comment": false, "has_failing_check": false, "num_words": 158, "source_unit": "http://translate.otrs.com/api/units/2069557/?format=api", "priority": 100, "id": 2069597, "web_url": "http://translate.otrs.com/translate/otrs/configuration-management/cs/?checksum=aa1c93143fb55396", "url": "http://translate.otrs.com/api/units/2069597/?format=api", "explanation": "", "extra_flags": "", "pending": false, "timestamp": "2023-05-02T12:00:54.473422Z", "last_updated": "2023-07-11T09:05:38.956152Z" }, { "translation": "http://translate.otrs.com/api/translations/otrs/configuration-management/cs/?format=api", "source": [ "The default column layout configuration for the service detail view." ], "previous_source": "", "target": [ "Výchozí konfigurace rozložení sloupců pro zobrazení detailu služby." ], "id_hash": -9008872625867640144, "content_hash": -9008872625867640144, "location": "", "context": "", "note": "SysConfig", "flags": "", "labels": [ { "id": 2, "name": "Automatically translated", "color": "yellow" } ], "state": 20, "fuzzy": false, "translated": true, "approved": false, "position": 415, "has_suggestion": false, "has_comment": false, "has_failing_check": false, "num_words": 10, "source_unit": "http://translate.otrs.com/api/units/2069558/?format=api", "priority": 100, "id": 2069598, "web_url": "http://translate.otrs.com/translate/otrs/configuration-management/cs/?checksum=02fa0e13ec6b32b0", "url": "http://translate.otrs.com/api/units/2069598/?format=api", "explanation": "", "extra_flags": "", "pending": false, "timestamp": "2023-05-02T12:00:54.478519Z", "last_updated": "2023-07-11T09:05:38.956152Z" }, { "translation": "http://translate.otrs.com/api/translations/otrs/configuration-management/cs/?format=api", "source": [ "User-defined configuration extensions for the column layouts of the Create Configuration Item screen. With this configuration you can only add keys to the framework configuration, it is not possible to change or remove keys. See the related configuration ended with “###001-OTRSServiceManagement”." ], "previous_source": "", "target": [ "Uživatelem definovaná rozšíření konfigurace pro rozvržení sloupců na obrazovce Vytvořit položku konfigurace. Pomocí této konfigurace lze pouze přidávat klíče do rámcové konfigurace, není možné klíče měnit ani odebírat. Viz související konfigurace ukončená kódem \"###001-OTRSServiceManagement\"." ], "id_hash": -1423144183424609861, "content_hash": -1423144183424609861, "location": "", "context": "", "note": "SysConfig", "flags": "", "labels": [ { "id": 2, "name": "Automatically translated", "color": "yellow" } ], "state": 20, "fuzzy": false, "translated": true, "approved": false, "position": 418, "has_suggestion": false, "has_comment": false, "has_failing_check": false, "num_words": 41, "source_unit": "http://translate.otrs.com/api/units/2069559/?format=api", "priority": 100, "id": 2069599, "web_url": "http://translate.otrs.com/translate/otrs/configuration-management/cs/?checksum=6c3ff9e7c2d011bb", "url": "http://translate.otrs.com/api/units/2069599/?format=api", "explanation": "", "extra_flags": "", "pending": false, "timestamp": "2023-05-02T12:00:54.479782Z", "last_updated": "2023-07-11T09:05:38.956152Z" }, { "translation": "http://translate.otrs.com/api/translations/otrs/configuration-management/cs/?format=api", "source": [ "User-defined configuration extensions for the column layouts of the configuration item detail view. With this configuration you can only add keys to the framework configuration, it is not possible to change or remove keys. See the related configuration ended with “###001-OTRSConfigurationManagement”." ], "previous_source": "", "target": [ "Uživatelem definovaná rozšíření konfigurace pro rozložení sloupců v zobrazení detailu konfigurační položky. Pomocí této konfigurace lze pouze přidávat klíče do rámcové konfigurace, není možné klíče měnit ani odebírat. Viz související konfigurace ukončená kódem \"###001-OTRSConfigurationManagement\"." ], "id_hash": 6017145921106597455, "content_hash": 6017145921106597455, "location": "", "context": "", "note": "SysConfig", "flags": "", "labels": [ { "id": 2, "name": "Automatically translated", "color": "yellow" } ], "state": 20, "fuzzy": false, "translated": true, "approved": false, "position": 419, "has_suggestion": false, "has_comment": false, "has_failing_check": false, "num_words": 41, "source_unit": "http://translate.otrs.com/api/units/2069560/?format=api", "priority": 100, "id": 2069600, "web_url": "http://translate.otrs.com/translate/otrs/configuration-management/cs/?checksum=d3813255c53fd64f", "url": "http://translate.otrs.com/api/units/2069600/?format=api", "explanation": "", "extra_flags": "", "pending": false, "timestamp": "2023-05-02T12:00:54.480371Z", "last_updated": "2023-07-11T09:05:38.956152Z" }, { "translation": "http://translate.otrs.com/api/translations/otrs/configuration-management/cs/?format=api", "source": [ "Default configuration for the Configuration Item List widget type of the search results." ], "previous_source": "", "target": [ "Výchozí konfigurace typu widgetu Seznam položek konfigurace výsledků vyhledávání." ], "id_hash": 533747820104132646, "content_hash": 533747820104132646, "location": "", "context": "", "note": "SysConfig", "flags": "", "labels": [ { "id": 2, "name": "Automatically translated", "color": "yellow" } ], "state": 20, "fuzzy": false, "translated": true, "approved": false, "position": 331, "has_suggestion": false, "has_comment": false, "has_failing_check": false, "num_words": 13, "source_unit": "http://translate.otrs.com/api/units/2079789/?format=api", "priority": 100, "id": 2079801, "web_url": "http://translate.otrs.com/translate/otrs/configuration-management/cs/?checksum=876840d080f22826", "url": "http://translate.otrs.com/api/units/2079801/?format=api", "explanation": "", "extra_flags": "", "pending": false, "timestamp": "2023-05-26T12:39:30.082058Z", "last_updated": "2023-07-11T09:05:38.956152Z" }, { "translation": "http://translate.otrs.com/api/translations/otrs/configuration-management/cs/?format=api", "source": [ "The OTRS service management column layout configuration for the search results." ], "previous_source": "", "target": [ "Konfigurace rozvržení sloupců pro správu služeb OTRS pro výsledky vyhledávání." ], "id_hash": -1073612494150811494, "content_hash": -1073612494150811494, "location": "", "context": "", "note": "SysConfig", "flags": "", "labels": [ { "id": 2, "name": "Automatically translated", "color": "yellow" } ], "state": 20, "fuzzy": false, "translated": true, "approved": false, "position": 407, "has_suggestion": false, "has_comment": false, "has_failing_check": false, "num_words": 11, "source_unit": "http://translate.otrs.com/api/units/2079790/?format=api", "priority": 100, "id": 2079802, "web_url": "http://translate.otrs.com/translate/otrs/configuration-management/cs/?checksum=7119c31ff3b8409a", "url": "http://translate.otrs.com/api/units/2079802/?format=api", "explanation": "", "extra_flags": "", "pending": false, "timestamp": "2023-05-26T12:39:30.099570Z", "last_updated": "2023-07-11T09:05:38.956152Z" }, { "translation": "http://translate.otrs.com/api/translations/otrs/configuration-management/cs/?format=api", "source": [ "The business object type Search::ITSMConfigItem is used to adjust the service business object for document search results." ], "previous_source": "", "target": [ "Obchodní objekt typu Search::ITSMConfigItem se používá k úpravě obchodního objektu služby pro výsledky vyhledávání dokumentů." ], "id_hash": 1144684314924021515, "content_hash": 1144684314924021515, "location": "", "context": "", "note": "SysConfig", "flags": "", "labels": [ { "id": 2, "name": "Automatically translated", "color": "yellow" } ], "state": 20, "fuzzy": false, "translated": true, "approved": false, "position": 412, "has_suggestion": false, "has_comment": false, "has_failing_check": false, "num_words": 17, "source_unit": "http://translate.otrs.com/api/units/2079791/?format=api", "priority": 100, "id": 2079803, "web_url": "http://translate.otrs.com/translate/otrs/configuration-management/cs/?checksum=8fe2bc51d301f70b", "url": "http://translate.otrs.com/api/units/2079803/?format=api", "explanation": "", "extra_flags": "", "pending": false, "timestamp": "2023-05-26T12:39:30.100850Z", "last_updated": "2023-07-11T09:05:38.956152Z" } ] }{ "count": 422, "next": null, "previous": "