User List
Users API.
See the Weblate's Web API documentation for detailed description of the API.
GET /api/users/?format=api&page=2
{ "count": 217, "next": "", "previous": "", "results": [ { "id": 51, "full_name": "Joao Ferro", "username": "jf" }, { "id": 52, "full_name": "Peter Værlien", "username": "pvarlien" }, { "id": 53, "full_name": "Matthias Terlinde", "username": "matthias" }, { "id": 54, "full_name": "David B", "username": "DavidB" }, { "id": 55, "full_name": "Rodrigo Matsuura Brito", "username": "Matsuura" }, { "id": 56, "full_name": "Nick van der Burg", "username": "xenoni" }, { "id": 57, "full_name": "Armando Rios", "username": "av" }, { "id": 58, "full_name": "Daniel Lisiecki", "username": "lis9" }, { "id": 59, "full_name": "Anh Nguyen", "username": "anhnguyen" }, { "id": 60, "full_name": "Szilvia Sass", "username": "szs" }, { "id": 61, "full_name": "HISATOSHI OONISHI", "username": "hisa0211" }, { "id": 62, "full_name": "jacksonsmiley", "username": "jacksonsmiley" }, { "id": 63, "full_name": "Adonai Silveira Canez", "username": "adonaicanez" }, { "id": 64, "full_name": "Carlos Vazquez", "username": "carlos" }, { "id": 65, "full_name": "Felix Brinkmann", "username": "brinkmannf" }, { "id": 66, "full_name": "Yasen Arsov", "username": "Yasen" }, { "id": 67, "full_name": "Aleksandr Kotikov", "username": "akotikov" }, { "id": 68, "full_name": "Howard", "username": "Howard" }, { "id": 69, "full_name": "Jayden Won", "username": "wonyuhyun" }, { "id": 70, "full_name": "Jayden Won", "username": "wonyh" }, { "id": 71, "full_name": "Bob Tao", "username": "bt" }, { "id": 72, "full_name": "Renato Fernandes Brigham", "username": "mutrulha" }, { "id": 73, "full_name": "Rostislav Suharev", "username": "rostislav" }, { "id": 74, "full_name": "catelotti remo", "username": "cateremo" }, { "id": 75, "full_name": "Kaya Zeren", "username": "kayazeren" }, { "id": 76, "full_name": "Matjaz Skerjanec", "username": "mskerjanec" }, { "id": 77, "full_name": "Jon", "username": "jl18" }, { "id": 78, "full_name": "Florian Liebe", "username": "fli" }, { "id": 79, "full_name": "Deleted User", "username": "deleted-79" }, { "id": 80, "full_name": "David Pérez de Jesús", "username": "davidperezdejesus" }, { "id": 81, "full_name": "Supaplex", "username": "Supaplex" }, { "id": 82, "full_name": "Efrem Baraldo", "username": "efrembaraldo" }, { "id": 83, "full_name": "Claudia Meissner", "username": "cme" }, { "id": 84, "full_name": "Heim Tibor", "username": "HTibi" }, { "id": 85, "full_name": "Mohsen Ebrahimi", "username": "sparse91" }, { "id": 86, "full_name": "Carlos Garcia", "username": "cg" }, { "id": 87, "full_name": "Deleted User", "username": "deleted-87" }, { "id": 88, "full_name": "Mauricio Enrique Alarcon Lozano", "username": "mal" }, { "id": 89, "full_name": "Alejandra Bernal Ávila", "username": "aba" }, { "id": 90, "full_name": "Sebastian Stierstorfer", "username": "ses" }, { "id": 91, "full_name": "Jens Bothe", "username": "jb" }, { "id": 92, "full_name": "ulrike", "username": "ulrike" }, { "id": 93, "full_name": "Jovan Erakovic", "username": "jve" }, { "id": 94, "full_name": "Reik Bohne", "username": "rbo" }, { "id": 95, "full_name": "Антон Александрович Смолин", "username": "saa" }, { "id": 96, "full_name": "Harald Eisenmenger", "username": "he" }, { "id": 97, "full_name": "Jens Bechtel", "username": "jeb" }, { "id": 98, "full_name": "Heiko Stroech", "username": "hs" }, { "id": 99, "full_name": "Luigi Gregori", "username": "gregoril" }, { "id": 100, "full_name": "Christophe Suykerbuyck", "username": "ChristopheS_be" } ] }